
Events 2005

Date and Venue Program
March 5, 19
April 9, 30

FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY - Multihead Microscopy Workshops on breast, thorax, thyroid and salivary gland.

Dr. Nancy W.F. Yuen, Dr. Alexander C.L. Chan, Dr. Lam Wing Yin, and Dr. Louis Chow
click for photo
Aug 22-26, 2005

Companion Society Session (Aug 26) - 4th Asia Pacific International Academy of Pathology Congress, Beijing.

Fine needle aspiration cytology of the liver: problematic and unusual lesions (Dr. Wilson M.S. Tsui)
Fine needle aspiration cytology of the breast: diagnostic issues and controversies (Dr. U.S. Khoo)
Aug 30, 2005
Meet the Expert

Seminar - The Bethesda System for Reporting Cervical Cytology and Patient Management Guidelines.
HPV in Cervical Cytology Screening and Prevention.
Dr Diane Solomon, NIH, Bethesda, USA
click for photo
September 9 & 10
Conjoint Meeting with the Hong Kong College of Pathologists

Fine needle aspiration cytology of the pancreas
Dr Barbara Centeno, USA
click for photo
December 3, 2005
Annual General Meeting

Slide Seminar & Workshop - Body Fluid Cytology
Click here for further information