
Events 2004

Date and Venue Program
29 May 2004 - 19 June 2004
Public Health Laboratory Centre, Nam Cheong Road, Kowloon
or Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gascoigne Rd, Kowloon
FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY - Multihead Microscopy Workshop.

Salivary Gland - Dr W Y Lam
FNAC of Thorax - Dr Alexander C L Chan
Breast FNAC - Dr Nancy W F Yuen
4th December 2004
Kai Cheong Tong,
Prince of Wales Hospital
Annual General Meeting

Slide Seminar - Diagnostic Pitfalls in Gynecologic Cytology (8 cases with audience participation).
Workshop - Challenges in GYN cytology
with multi-head microscopy sessions conducted by Drs S Y Lam and W K Ng